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About the National Convention

We are looking forward to welcoming you to the 2020 National Convention.  This year's Convention will be held virtually due to Covid-19 and we invite all our members to join us on Zoom.


The National Convention, which is a requirement of the International Constitution, is one of the most important events of the year in the British Federation. It is organised by the National Council which is responsible for all administrative matters. The National Council can be described as the 'body' side of the British Federation, whereas the ceremonial work can be seen as the 'life' side.


The National Convention elects the Officers of the National Council and the members of the Finance Committee every three years, agrees changes to the General Regulations, receives presentation of the audited accounts of the previous year and votes the budget of the next year. All members in good standing can attend, but only those above the degree of Entered Apprentice have full voting rights. 


Along with the business, there will also be an opportunity to ask questions and to share ideas. The National Convention is a great opportunity to meet other members and enhance our fraternal bond, as well as contribute to the development of the Federation.     



Don't miss it!







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